Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Urban Decay by Natalie Maguire & Adam Facer

Urban Decay 

by Adam Facer & Natalie Maguire

‘Urban Decay’ is a photo essay focused on rust and decay in an urban setting. We chose rust as our theme and decay as our subtheme, focusing mainly on the vibrant colours decayed metal can produce in a range of urban areas. In order to depict our chosen theme and subtheme we explored local areas such as Canoelands (near Wiseman’s Ferry) and East Ryde. We also relocated to a more diverse location in the Northern Beaches of Sydney in order to explore a different urban setting.  To portray the concept of everyday aesthetics that Murray explores in ‘Digital Images, Photo-Sharing, and Our Shifting Notions of Everyday Aesthetics’, we chose to photograph common everyday objects that had been altered by the processes of rust and decay.  The track ‘Ice & Chilli’ was found on ccmixter.org. We believe this track accompanies our photo essay appropriately, contributing somber and gentle sounds and contrasting strongly with the bright colours of the rust depicted in our images.

Natalie: 42858186
Adam: 42855659

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