Monday, August 6, 2012

Mah Blog GG


I'm Daniel, and I am an international student from Mexico.

Welcome to mah blog

 Thats all I have to say about myself without boring you, so why not try this link if you're bored at the moment, pretty much explains how we tell jokes
I like a lot of random music, and cant decide on just one link.

If you are a fan of dubstep, this link will take you to Mt Eden. If you dont like dubstep, well... go try a different page! or maybe a little bit of gotye..

Question... Do you find this funny?

If you dont... gotta say you are missing out (this picture made an emo kid laugh... true story)

On the list of EPIC things to own.... you will probably want one of these:


Ceasar Morales said...

Me Gusta useless box

Unknown said...

This post is pretty exciting for a couple of reasons:
You're from Mexico, and I just so happen to be craving nachos reeeeally badly right now.
Also, I can see the top of my head in the back of your photo... Fun times

Unknown said...

Heading down to mexico in December.... Been dying to go there forever..