Monday, August 6, 2012

A bit about me... (Natalie Maguire)

Hi !
My name's Nat. This is my first year at Macquarie and I finished high school last year. I went to a music school called the Conservatorium High School so it's probably pretty obvious that I'm really into music.

I'm absolutely obsessed with these guys; they're my favorite band and I couldn't live without their music.

the Hawkesbury River

My family has lived on and around the Hawkesbury River for over twenty years so I'm there a lot. 

That's my favorite video because it is adorable and I love finding videos like that - I found it through Ray William Johnson who is quite a famous video reviewer on youtube. A lot of my time used to be spent watching numerous videos like this on youtube whilst attempting to study/sleep/other activities.

this is my dog Bruce keeping warm in winter
My dog Bruce is amazing and is a big part of my life. I love taking lots of cute photos of him and that's just one out of literally hundreds. 


Unknown said...

Your dog is adorable!! He looks like he's smiling haha

Unknown said...

naww bruce!

Unknown said...

he is smiling :))

YURI CHOI said...

Hi Nat and l love the duck and Bruce ;-) So cuuute!

Unknown said...

Nice dog!! will try to listen to the bombay bicycle club later